Membership in Promogos Ministries is not required to attend worship services, prayer meetings, Bible study, counseling sessions, or participate in life groups. We require membership as a prerequisite to serve in ministry leadership, host groups, and enjoy the privileges and opportunities reserved only for members of Promogos Ministries.
It is important to remember that membership does not elevate a believer or make him or her a different type of Christian. It does not provide better qualifications for ministry, make a believer more spiritual or draw him or her closer to God, or in any way add a higher level of anointing upon him or her. However, the pastor and leadership of Promogos Ministries have determined that a formal membership process establishes a few important elements for the benefit of the candidate and the Promogos Ministries leadership team.
The membership process provides the pastor and leadership of Promogos Ministries with the opportunity to meet with each potential candidate privately, to discuss with them to some extent their beliefs, doctrine, personal experience and essential understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The process also assesses candidates’ knowledge, dispositions, and inclinations toward God’s Word, which is very helpful in considering specific ministry roles. We take very seriously the spiritual progress of our members, the type of influence others have on them, and the trust they place in us to guide and care for them according to the Bible. The sinful society in which we live today poses unique threats to believers that were not prevalent in other generations. The depravity of our day demands a high degree of caution, especially regarding the spiritual safety of God’s people.
Because the membership application process provides an initial opportunity to discuss a believer’s personal testimony, journey, and personal history, we maintain membership as a prerequisite to ongoing training in the School of Discipleship, Mentoring, and Biblical Coaching. This is an essential, but by no means the only, precaution we maintain to protect the safety and well-being of our members whom we care for and serve.
We hope this description provides some measure of explanation and encouragement regarding the membership requirement for a small number of ministry opportunities within Promogos Ministries. Our goal is not to arbitrarily restrict or thwart the ministry and gifting of believers, but rather to provide reasonable pastoral oversight to maximize the care, growth, maturity, and protection of God’s people.
The formal covenant of membership encourages the believer in his or her covenant with Promogos Ministries to care for and serve the local church. He or she must also abide by the rules established by the leadership and submit to its oversight. Membership establishes accountability among members for mutual edification, spiritual growth, and love for one another. In addition, each candidate for membership is asked to review our Statement of Faith, Core Values, and Membership Covenant. They must also be personally interviewed by a member of the pastoral staff. We encourage our candidates to adhere to the following beliefs:
Maintain and protect the unity of the church by:
Showing and acting in love toward one another (John 13; Ephesians 4:3)
Refusing to gossip against one another (Ephesians 4:29)
Following the direction set by the church leadership for the good of each (Hebrews 13:17)
When teaching Scripture, doctrine, or ethics in a church group, be sure to maintain the original meaning of what the Bible teaches through interpretation consistent with pastoral leadership. (2 Timothy 2:15)
Sharing the responsibility of the church by:
Praying for its spiritual health, unity in faith, and growth. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-18)
Welcome unbelievers without judgment and share the gospel with them. (Matthew 28:18-20; Proverbs 11:30)
Contribute regularly to church projects. (Matthew 6:2-4)
Welcome those who visit and/or become members with love without showing favoritism (Romans 12:13)
Serve in the ministry of the church by:
Identify your spiritual gifts and talents and actively use them in the ministry that best suits you for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 12)
Be biblically equipped and spiritually prepared to assist pastors and leaders in their ministry when the need arises. (Ephesians 4:11-12)
Develop a servant’s heart and be ever ready to fulfill Christ’s great commission in the world. (Galatians 5:13; Romans 12:1)
Support the good work and the spiritual standard of the Church by:
Continuing in faithfulness and in the work of ministry with humility and wisdom. (Hebrews 10:24-25)
Living a godly life, without hindrance to others, according to biblical commands, precepts, and examples. (1 Timothy 6:11; Romans 14:13-15; 1 Corinthians 8:13)