The primary purpose of our worship services is to collectively glorify God who is the center of our lives, to draw closer to Him through prayer, praise and worship, and to hear His voice through the preaching and teaching of His word.
At Promogos Ministries you will be welcomed into a friendly, Christ-centered environment by people who are very happy to meet you, proud to share the love of Christ with you, and fellowship with you in an atmosphere of worship. We do not judge, criticize, or show favoritism, just come as you are and discover more for yourself. You will feel right at home!
We give you an idea of what to expect when you arrive.
Our worship service lasts approximately two hours.
Our friendly and welcoming ushering team will be happy to welcome you and find the place that suits you.
Our hospitality team will ensure that you have your cup of coffee before the service begins.
Our praise team will take you to another level of spiritual uplifting and solemn contemplation.
Our sermons are Bible-centered and explanatory for your understanding and edification.
Our team of interpreters will be available to translate the service for you if you do not speak Creole.
Our prayer team will be available after the service to pray with you and for you.
Our spiritual mentors will answer your questions and biblically guide you if you have a particular concern.
Our pastor and his wife will make sure to meet and greet you personally after the service.
You don't want to miss such a spiritual atmosphere!!!

It’s not about your journey, it’s about you. As Jesus would, our team is ready to welcome you into God’s family and embrace you as you are. We are here to help you become, with the help of the Holy Spirit, a true child of God by leading you to Jesus Christ and teaching you sound doctrine so that you may believe and confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior, as it is said in Romans 10:9-10: If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.
At Promogos Ministries There's a Place for You and Your Entire Family.
A Place to Grow Spiritually and Serve:
You want to join a new family or a place to call home:
You are in the right place. The Promogos family will receive you and welcome you with open arms. To guide you through your spiritual journey, we have Life Groups where you can exchange with mature believers who can help you grow in faith, share your worries as well as your moments of joy, pray with you, laugh with you, and help you to have a healthy spiritual life. We have groups for men, women, couples, divorced people, single parents, students, professionals, people struggling with addiction and more!
You want to make a difference by using your gifts for the glory of God.
You will not be disappointed! at Promogos Ministries, we believe in and value the gifts of the Holy Spirit and His ministry in our lives. God has given you spiritual gifts and skills to worship Him by serving His Church. You can use them to change lives in your church, your community, and even the world. At Promogos Ministries, we will help you identify your God-given gifts and equip you biblically to let the Holy Spirit use them through you for the edification of God's people.
You want to find ways to grow in the knowledge of God's will and serve in ministry.
We have the resources needed and recommended to help you become a fully mature believer committed to the cause of Christ. As an a member of any Life Groups, you will find spiritual growth tools and dynamic, Spirit-filled, ministry-focus leaders to coach you and guide you for your new life in ministry.
A Place for the Whole Family to Find Peace and Comfort:
A New Born-Friendly Daycare
A trained and equipped team, experienced in childcare, is available to care for your little ones while you gather in worship service to praise God undisturbed and receive His message through the sermon of the day.
A Child-Friendly Program.
Each Sunday morning, in the Children Ministry, your child learn the biblical truth about God’s salvation in Jesus Christ. They will know and have a better understanding of who they are in Jesus through age-appropriate lessons, small groups, and trusted adult leadership.
A Spiritual Atmosphere for Youth.
In this ministry, young people will receive biblical counseling and will be continually assisted and mentored by spiritual mentors and coaches to help them grow together in faith and knowledge of God. Their meetings are filled with fast-paced worship and interactive activities, addressing real-world issues they face every day, whether at school, at work, or in their social relationships with others.
Please visit the Youth webpage for their days, times, and activities!
The whole family is welcome!
We are an intergenerational church. People of all ages can find something to love and do at Promogos Ministry!